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Services Available
Tiger Tutors
Review, ask questions, and discuss problems with knowledgeable tutors. Available to all students. No appointment necessary!

Services Available
Academic Coaching
We are proud to offer Academic Coaching! This free service gives students the tools to succeed. Students can schedule a one-on-one meeting with an Academic Coach to learn and practice studentship skills, such as effective note-taking, studying strategies, time management, and identifying resources. Appointments can be scheduled through MU Connect and will start the first day of classes!

Services Available
Level II Academic Coaching
Level II coaches are trained to help students who have symptoms of ADHD, autism, and other executive functioning disorders overcome obstacles they may face regarding their academic success. Coaches can help students develop and practice studentship skills, such as identifying campus resources, managing their time effectively, and using technology. Appointments can be scheduled through MU Connect and will start the first day of classes!

Services Available
Exam Reviews and Recordings
The Learning Center offers Exam Reviews in several courses, in collaboration with the specific departments in which those courses are offered.

Location and Contact Info
100 Student Success Center Columbia, MO 65211
Phone: (573) 882-2493