Young man in a white tshirt and brown wavy short hair with a vbit of a smile on his face. He has a parrot on his right shoulder. He is in front of an open door with several panes of glass.

Nathan G.



Biological Sciences

Coaching Bio

Hello! I’m a junior majoring in Biological Sciences (BS) and minoring in Chemistry. I have 3.5 semesters of research under my belt, and I’m a Tiger Tutor for Biology, specializing in Cell Biology and Genetics. As a neurodivergent person, I recognize the importance of being able to have a schedule and lifestyle that works best for each individual person regardless of ability or disability. I will do whatever I can to help you succeed (and hopefully excel) in your academic life!

Fun Fact

I have 2 pet pigeons named Emile and Willow!

What I Love About Coaching

I love being able to watch students recognize their potential to succeed in previously difficult areas of their lives once they’re able to organize them to their needs. It makes me happy to help others flourish.