Resources for Tutors & Coaches

Tutor & Coach Handbook

Tutor & Coach Handbook

Video Tutorials

MyHR Entry Tutorial

Canvas Training Site


Online Timesheet



Tutor Professional Standards Agreement

MU Connect / Confidentiality

New Employee Training

(for Human Resources: including FERPA & Title IX
aka Equity in the Workplace: Eliminating Discrimination and Harassment)
Percipio Compliance

Evaluations for Students to Complete

Engage Links:

Tiger Tutors Evaluation

Academic Coaching Evaluation

Helpful Handouts and Resources

Tutor/Academic Coach Profile Survey

Tell us a bit about yourself!  Take this survey to share a little about who you are and what your superpowers are!  This will provide us with the basic information we need about you, including your major, expected graduation date, and other information about your academic life.  We also ask that you upload a clear photo of yourself. 

Tutor/Academic Coach Profile