Senior Spotlight: Maddie Weiner

Meet one of our amazing graduating tutors, Maddie!

Degrees:  B.S. in Accountancy & Masters of Accountancy

Hometown: Plano, TX

MU Involvement: Chi Omega; Camp Trulaske; Trulaske College of Business Ambassadors; and, of course, tutoring at the Learning Center

Favorite Mizzou Memory: Winning homecoming with my sorority both Freshman and Senior year.

Tutored: Accounting, Finance, & Statistics since Fall 2018

Most Rewarding Thing about Tutoring? Meeting new people and knowing that you are helping others achieve their academic goals! I really loved working with my fellow tutors. I am going to miss seeing them at Tiger Tutors, especially Hannah Sullivan!

Best Advice for Incoming Freshmen: Find things you are passionate about and get involved on campus!

Top Tip for Academic Success: Find the way you study best/are most productive. Everyone is different and once you find how you work best, stick to it.

Future Plans: Moving back to Dallas, TX, where I will begin my career at a public accounting firm.