Senior Spotlight: Rachel Slings

Meet one of our amazing graduating Study Plan Consultants (SPCs), Rachel!

Degrees: B.A. in Romance Languages (Spanish emphasis) & B.A. in Constitutional Democracy (emphasis in Social and Political Thought), Cum Laude, with an English minor, Honors Certificate, and a Multicultural Certificate

Hometown: Branson, MO

MU Involvement: Alpha Omega Epsilon, Discovery Fellows, Kinder Fellows, Middleton Fellows, the Jefferson Club, and Phi Beta Kappa

Favorite Mizzou Memory: The friends I’ve made along the way

SPC: I’ve been an SPC since Fall of 2018

Most Rewarding Thing about Being an SPC? Seeing a struggling student really blossom over the course of a semester, and how proud they are of themselves when they realize how far they’ve come

Best Advice for Incoming Freshmen: Be brave! Don’t be afraid to change how you think or what you believe. If you get closer to your dream and it starts to look like something you don’t want, don’t be afraid to change your major or your future plans (mine shifted four times during school). And always remember that your wellbeing takes priority over school. You want to graduate a functioning human being, not a burnt out shell. So be deeply deeply kind to yourself.

Future Plans: I’m taking a gap year to work and finish off some pre-requisite courses before entering into an accelerated bachelors in nursing program. I’m hoping to be an ER nurse, and eventually move into ICU and/or start working towards becoming a CRNA.